EngiNe – Engineering Network

EngiNe is a dynamic and highly technological society, founded in 2003 under the aegis of the college of engineering of Siena University. Thanks to this synergy, EngiNe has developed the combination between the processes typical of university most advanced research and the need of efficiency peculiar to a private firm.

In 2006 EngiNe merges into the operative network of ENG TECHNO & Partners, whose contribution, together with the new company organization, allows EngiNe to increase its presence on the market and to start the testing of further avant-garde solutions, which have become by now steady offer know how.

As well as establishing its business on a solid and rigorous knowledge of information and telecommunication technology, which guarantees the perfect control of both the applications and the operating systems (custom linux based distributions are typically realized), EngiNe has a great competence on image analysis like exploitation of the methods of signals analysis, features extraction from scenes, analysis of the weaving, modelling and reconstruction of 3D images, stereoscopy epipolar geometry, image warping.

Moreover EngiNe is also qualified on the use of the most effective mathematical tools in this sector, such as Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition & Classification, computation in fuzzy logic, pattern recognition, neural networs, Markov networks, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), morphologic analysis, Kalman filter and image enhancement.


EngiNe is a dynamic and highly technological society leader in violation enforcement, ANPR, traffic control and solutions for Smart Cities. Founded in 2003, by some engineers under of the college of engineering of Siena University, EngiNe has developed the combination between the processes typical of university most advanced research and the need of efficiency peculiar to a private firm.

In 2006 EngiNe merges into the operative network of ENG Techno & Partners, whose contribution, together with the new company organization, allows EngiNe to increase its presence on the market and to start the testing of further avant-garde solutions, which have become by now steady offer know how.

Engine’s skills in traffic technology permitted the realization of systems which that are placed in a market segment intrinsically characterized by a high level of research and development. Since his foundation in 2003 EngiNe focused his mission in bringing the latest technologies in the world of enforcement and traffic management; thanks to this vocation for continuous innovation EngiNe is always one step ahead with the latest technology advanced products that are available on the market.

EngiNe has developed cooperation with many international big companies such as Autostrade per l’Italia, Sinelec, Leonardo, Siemens, 3M, Swarco, Estra, Iren, Safety21, Inspira, ECIL, Wipro, L&T, HCL, BEL, Airtel, Reliance, Panorama, Bredamenarinibus and Scania, Dacom and many other

EngiNe’s portfolio is composed by a 360 degree combination of traffic enforcement and control products.

In parallel to all this, the constant investments in highly technological initiatives have led EngiNe to develop excellence systems like the automatic number plate recognition system EnPlate (available also for ADR), that is certified an ‘A-class’ according to UNI 10772 norm with the largest admitted speed, angles and field of view in the market, the EnVES EVO system for enforcing  the restricted traffic area accesses or the EnVES EVO MVD system which detects overspeed, red light, stopline, wrongdir and overtaking violations.

The powerful CELERITAS EVO system for average speed control is based on a state-of-the-art technology (which holds about 40 patents) that permits average speed detection using a technology that do not depend from plate (syntax, font, aspect ratio, etc.). Thanks to these peculiarities, CELERITAS EVO has also been adopted as exclusive product by various operators that works as service providers with ENG Techno & Partners and that offer a particular range of innovative services for police forces and to public administration.

The latest CELERITAS MSE device speed detection is a unique system capable of detecting vehicle speed from a moving car with high precision: thanks to a combination of latest radar technology and Artificial Intelligence the CELERITAS MSE can detect speed and classify vehicles without any additional devices or connections with car: these features makes it the most flexible, accurate and efficient device on his market segment.

All enforcement devices have been approved by local government in various countries.


EngiNe plans and realizes innovative systems on various levels for his partners, such as:

  • Integrated Systems of video security control, based on EnGuard Video Security Platform, the platform of Video Security over IP, which is extremely flexible and versatile, and is suitable for the requirements of big organizations and various dimensions companies. This platform can be implemented with evoluted solutions, both in the sense of security in general terms, and in terms of Traffic Enforcement and Management architectures, and combines the other EngiNe solutions with new generation effective Know How.
  • Environmental monitoring systems planned on specific customers’ requirements.
  • Automotive EnGuard Division, systems for the video surveillance “on board” of fleet and public motor vehicles, also with remote management. Analysis and planning of integrated systems for surveillance in the airports, fairs and local government.
  • Analysis and planning of integrated systems for surveillance in the airports, fairs and local government.
  • Analysis, development and engineering of specific solutions in the field of security, traffic control, architectonic and artistic heritage sites protection, refuses monitoring, medicine supervision and patients’ medical care, attendance, buildings’ structural monitoring.

Moreover, EngiNe is continuously engaged in researches and innovations, with the specific intent of realizing new solutions suitable for more and more specific and precise requirements.

Engine worked with an active participation in following projects:

  • Integrated control module of localization and multi-camera tracking, specifically planned for the control of monuments or building and places of a particular architectonic and historical interest.
  • Module to detect graffiti on walls, and/or on public means of transport.
  • Module to control ecological sites.
  • Module based on WSN net (Wireless Sensor Networks) to monitor the physical and structural characteristics of the buildings.
  • System for remote monitoring of old people, disabled people and not self-sufficient people in their homes, or for the patients under medical control in the hospitals or nursing homes. Such system is based on the arranged use of sensors realized by wireless sensor networks (WSN) and smart cameras. These sensors can be employed for the continuous monitoring of the vital functions through their interfacing with domestic and territorial receivers radio frequencies connected with a sanitary operating centre.
  • Automated system of management of therapy giving aimed at the reduction of errors caused by the non effectiveness of procedures. The system integrates modern wireless technologies RFID-UHF in a unique, flexible and safe platform, and allows the realization of a dispensary and a smart medicine undercarriage to minimize human errors and assure the optimization of medicines supplying process.
  • Integrated system for tracking the garbage disposal through the realization of weighing control systems in garbage dumps based on images elaboration (plates and other parameters recognition, and qualitative control of garbage volume).
  • Monitoring system of the patients’ physical conditions through multimodal SMART sensors (that employ at the same time different sensorial modalities such as: audio, video, pressure, proximity). This system is versatile and can adjust itself to the conditions, the environment and the characteristics of each controlled situations/patient, so as to identify eventual dysfunctional situations and signal them in real time to the staff.
  • Control system of compost rising temperature through thermal television cameras.



Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è CELERITAS_accoppiamenti-1024x389.jpg

CELERITAS EVO is an exclusive digital system which controls that the maximum speed limits are respected and which detects … continue


CELERITAS MSE 2021 Automotive Speed Enforcement Solutions automatically detects over-speeding vehicles … continue


Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è MVD_su_palo_dettaglio.jpg

EnVES EVO MVD  is a digital system approved for automatic detection of overspeed and red light violations. … continue


Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è ZTL_1.jpg

EnVES EVO is a system which controls the accesses to the Limited Traffic Zone based on …. continue


Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è ANPR_conrol_room.jpg

EnPlate is a system for Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) from images grabbed from a camera that frames the front or rear of the vehicle stationary or in motion … continue

Vista EnVES series cameras

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è CAMERA_1-3.png

With a dedicated team of Development Engineers we have been making rapid strides in this field and have successfully designed & developed cameras and customized …. continue

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